Coprophagia:- eating feces.

 Coprophagia is the term used to describe the behavior of animals, including some dogs, eating feces. It can be a natural behavior in some animals but can also indicate underlying health issues or behavioral problems.

Surprisingly, it does occur to some humans though extremely rare in humans and is generally considered a pathological behavior. It can be associated with certain medical conditions or mental health disorders. Alternatively, It is a kind of fetish Sensual attitude in some humans that get aroused eating feces from their partners.

If you're concerned about coprophagia in your pet, it's a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues and discuss potential solutions.

Also, If you or someone you know is experiencing coprophagia, it's essential to seek medical and psychological evaluation and treatment from a healthcare professional to address any underlying issues and provide appropriate guidance and support.



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