The OTC Arbitage trading

OTC is bank term (Over the counter) in crypto currency it's the business aspect of trading cryptocurrency just buying an asset at lower price from  an exchange and selling at higher price on another exchange to make profit.

OTC is of two categories which are:- offline and online OTC.

* The offline otc is when you buy an asset from people at a lower rate and sell at higher rate to make profit 

This type of OTC involves people and these people needed to know you, like you and trust you before they can transact with you. 

"The Online OTC is taking your money to  exchanges and buying assets at a lower price and sell to other exchanges for high rate to make profit. 

This exchanges are verified exchanges like  binance/ kucoin and lots more.

You will be needing several of this exchanges in this training and I recommend that you visit the following links to sign up:

Binance registration link :-

Referral code:  465512495


Kucoin registration link:-

Referral code:  rMPLTDF

Bybit registration link :-

Referral code : 53PQ5B

Make sure you get fully verified and complete the KYC process on the links provided 

**Several official documents will be requested**

Contact me with the following links, if you need any help verifying your accounts:


OR email me -

Remember that these exchanges are secured which means your captal is safe with these exchanges.

The beauty of OTC trading is that you earn daily Income and  at *zero risk*! 

Let me break it down a little more further using the USDT (a stable coin) as an example and the Nigerian naira (NGN) as our base currency (FIAT). Let's say the USDT is trading at  N742 at exchange A while in exchange B, it is trading at N748. This is arbitrage opportunity for OTC trading!  You simply buy LOW from exchange A and SELL at exchange B for profit taking advantage of the N6 price difference. Rinse & repeat; easy peasy!

Of course there are some little technicality processes which one must learn/observe in order to execute this profitably, which are:

I. You need a very fast and reliable Internet and phone. 

ìí. You have to be fast enough about the transaction because of market fluctuations. . 

iii. You must understand that transaction fees (sometimes referred to as Gas fee) may apply. 

However, it is very easy to do:

Buy LOW from one exchange.

Sell HIGH at the other exchange.

Simple and Clear enough. 

Study  the screen shot below and observe the red and blue circled prices:

This is an excellent example Of OTC Arbitrage Trading opportunity. Buy at 748 from an exchange and sell at N748 at another exchange. 

Let's go over the next arbitrage trading model --- The Launchpad Arbitrage Trading.....

Keep following happy trading! 


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